Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Back at the Tying Bench
With my recent success with size 16 frenchies, I decided to tie a few to stock pile them. I whipped up a half dozen and then I tied three size 16 sowbugs, to replace the three I lost over the last few times I went fishing. My hands are so rough, it makes dubbing and finesse ties a real pain. On the other hand, I don't need a dubbing pick or velcro to make my bugs extra buggy. I won't be getting out fishing this weekend as I will be out at camp for an annual event, so I may try to get a couple hours on the stream tomorrow night. The next fly on list to try is the WD40, supposed to be a great imitation for the blue wing olive nymph/emerger. With BWOs around the corner, I need to get on it.
I'll try to take a few pictures of some of my flies, as pictures are worth a thousand words and I don't have the urge to replace them with a thousand words.
A.S. aka Sulphur Salvation
No Drag Allowed
I'll try to take a few pictures of some of my flies, as pictures are worth a thousand words and I don't have the urge to replace them with a thousand words.
A.S. aka Sulphur Salvation
No Drag Allowed
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
2/26; 12:30pm - 3:00 pm
I was 'sick' today from work. I decided that with the slightly warmer weather the past few days, mid 30s, the fishing should be good. It was an overcast day, which as you probably know is a good thing for trout fishing. I fished on SC behind the BSH. Today's observed high was 40 at about noon and slowly cooled down to about 35 by 4:00pm. Water flows: SC at MB 290cfs. SC at Ax 91cfs. OK, enough with temps and stream flows!
Fishing was great today. I fished tandem nymphs to great success, both size 16, a frenchie and a sowbug. I ended up landing 11 trout, with the largest being about 10, maybe 11 inches. I used two size 6 micro shot to help get them to the bottom. The fish were right on the bottom and even with two weighted nymphs, I wasn't able to get down to their level. The fishing really picked up as the weather turned from overcast to overcast with rain and ice. I walked back to the nice hole about 60 yards upstream from the bridge and as the wintry mix started. I landed a few nice trout in the riffles and the tailout of the pool.
I probably missed another 5-6, so all in all it was a very productive afternoon on the water.
I may end up being 'sick' again REEL soon, if you catch my drift.
AS aka Sulpher Salvation
No Drag Allowed
Fishing was great today. I fished tandem nymphs to great success, both size 16, a frenchie and a sowbug. I ended up landing 11 trout, with the largest being about 10, maybe 11 inches. I used two size 6 micro shot to help get them to the bottom. The fish were right on the bottom and even with two weighted nymphs, I wasn't able to get down to their level. The fishing really picked up as the weather turned from overcast to overcast with rain and ice. I walked back to the nice hole about 60 yards upstream from the bridge and as the wintry mix started. I landed a few nice trout in the riffles and the tailout of the pool.
I probably missed another 5-6, so all in all it was a very productive afternoon on the water.
I may end up being 'sick' again REEL soon, if you catch my drift.
AS aka Sulpher Salvation
No Drag Allowed
Monday, February 25, 2013
New Reel
I am a big fan of closeouts on fly equipment, especially with companies that offer long or lifetime warranties. I just picked up a lamson konic for $90.00, usually for 159. The Konic ii is new for 2013, has the same drag and look, just different color. It sells for the same price as the Konic i. Seem like a nice reel and it has the same drag system as all the lamson reels. Its lifetime warranty is also a big plus. Tomorrow I will be getting some backing and putting my normal orvis line on it to try it out. I guess its time for something than the battenkill on my helios. Big tip for anybody putting on their own fly line... Don't take the fly line off the spool, reel it off the spool. If you don't do this, you will have the biggest tangle and trust me its not fun. I am speaking from experience.
AS aka Sulpher Salvation
No Drag Allowed
AS aka Sulpher Salvation
No Drag Allowed
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2/24/23 (1-3pm)
I didn't get out fishing yesterday as I had hoped. I ended up going to Grices and looking at some holsters for my pistol, while my Grandfather bought a new rifle. I did get out this afternoon and the fishing was pretty good for the winter. I caught 8 in two hours, I was on SC behind the BSH. I nymphed the entire time with a size 14 frenchie as my lead fly and a size 16 sowbug as a trailer. The fish seemed to target the sowbug more than the frenchie and has proven as my most successful winter nymph this year again. The water was pretty low and and I had success targeting the areas that were deeper beside pocket water. Water was very clear so I am sure I spooked many fish before I had a chance to catch them. The air temp this afternoon was 36 degrees F and there was only a little wind. It was an overcast day as well. The stream was running at 93 CFS at the Ax gauge. It looks like tomorrow would be a great day to get out but it is back to work.
- A.S. Aka Sulphur Salvation
Friday, February 22, 2013
2/22/13 9:23pm
Just got off the tying bench. All I whipped up tonight were four size 18 frenchies. I have never had much confidence in bead head nymphs but this year I am going to make them work for me. I am trying to scale back on my tying purchases, because it seems I can never stock pile any materials. I buy materials to tie a fly and then spend the next week tying as many as possible, good for fly supply bad for cash supply. It looks like it should be pretty decent out tomorrow, I am going to get out and try some new flies. They say to use streamers and that low and slow is the key to winter fishing but I don't find fishing with streamers all that fun so I will probably work my ass off tomorrow micro nymphing to get a few takes, but that is what I like.
One last thing, on my way home from work I blew a tire. It looks like the William and Joseph Confluence Pack I have been eyeing up is going to be pushed back a month, to get a couple new tires.
One last thing, on my way home from work I blew a tire. It looks like the William and Joseph Confluence Pack I have been eyeing up is going to be pushed back a month, to get a couple new tires.
This blog is not done for viewers or to brag. It is simply an easier way for me to keep track of dates, times and catch for each day I dedicate to catching the elusive trout. If you want to read it fine, if not fine. My equipment of choice: Orvis Helios 9ft 5wt Tip Flex. Battenkill Bar Stock II reel. Orvis Hydros Power Taper. But, don't let all that Orvis equipment fool you, I am not a one company sort of guy. I also enjoy fishing my Sage Vantage and my Albright EXR in average size trout streams and my 7'6" St. Croix Imperial on brookie streams. Now sit back, relax and enjoy because the year 2013 is upon us and it looks like it should be another great year on my home streams.
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